Cybersecurity - Data Privacy - IT Trends - Innovations

Google has introduced new rules about how mobile app developers and companies deal with customer impact on apps across the board. What is it?
The new regulations call for increased transparency with regards to how apps make use of customer data. Developers need to ensure that the way they handle user data - from how they collect it to what it might be used for - is perfectly clear to all users. In Google’s words, developers must “limit the use of the data to the description in the disclosure”. In layman’s terms, this means that data use and privacy policies need to be clearly visible on app descriptions in the Google Play store, and not simply within the app itself.
Published on October 10, 2017

Why You Need Security Audit for Your Point-of-Sale (POS) System
It’s clear that POS systems are a source of important and valuable data, and have the power to either speed up the progress or to stop the development of a company, depending on whether or not they are used. POS data is a business asset. Despite this vital importance, such an asset is not afforded the protection it deserves.
Published on March 07, 2017

4 Common Mobile Point of Sale (POS) Security Issues Affecting Retailers That POS Providers Need to Act On
As mobile point-of-sale applications and systems are picking up speed at retailers around the world replacing traditional one, they become appealing targets for cybercriminals allured by the amount of consumer data entered in POS systems whether through unauthorized access, mobile malware or hacking the backend.
Published on January 03, 2017

Key Areas and Best Practices to Focus for Mobile API Security
With APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) becoming a crucial factor in any web or mobile application, security feels more like a journey than a destination. Of all the constituents that encompass an application, API gateway offers easy access points for a hacker to break in and steal your data. A single error in API can cause immense problems for any organization using your API.
Published on November 22, 2016

5 Things You Need To Know About Securing Your Game App
The game industry is constantly evolving and growing on a rapid scale by each passing day. A significant part of this industry is mobile gaming. With huge advancements in mobile device technologies, gaming apps are on a high demand and so is their supply. One of the major reason behind this are the developers who are splurging millions of dollars in their time to market strategies. In all of this, the security of gaming apps takes a backseat, overlooked by developers in a haste a to launch their product before their respective competitors.
Published on November 08, 2016

Want to Be a “Man in the Middle” of a Mobile Communication? It’s Easier Than You Think
Mobile are everywhere nowadays and a central part of almost everyone's lives. In fact, we are using them for everything - both for personal and business purposes. From streaming media entertains us on our way to work, to chatting with friends and family, to sending emails at work - mobiles are now effectively computers on the go. According to a study from Cisco, we are using mobile access more and more. And this trend will continue well into the future.
Published on October 25, 2016

How to Teach Your Kids to Safely Play Pokemon GO
This summer something strange has occurred in my household. Suddenly, all of my children ranging in age from 9 to 18 are willingly piling into our van the minute I mention driving anywhere- even to the grocery store. And it’s not my company or the possibility of picking out this week’s cereal they are seeking. No, they are merely wanting a ride to aid them on their hunt for elusive Pokémon.
Published on August 30, 2016

Custom Made vs. Off-The-Shelf Mobile Apps – The Issue of Security
In October 2015, Blakely Thomas-Aguilar did a great article on mobile security statistics on the VMware AirWatch blog that can and will send shivers down your spine. For example, she found that there was an increase of 18% in the number of Android vulnerabilities between 2011 and 2015.
Published on July 26, 2016

You Can Build Apps for the Apple TV, But Do You Know How to Do It Securely?
Apple will want to dominate the market for TV apps. To achieve this objective, it’s understandable that Apple makes it easy for app developers to create apps and games for the Apple TV platform using tvOS and profit from them just as they have already done so for the iPhone and iPad devices. Developers can leverage similar frameworks and technologies since tvOS is just a modified version of the iOS. They can even retrofit the apps that were previously developed for iOS to support the Apple TV’s tvOS.
Published on June 29, 2016

We Know Why 85% of Mobile Apps Suck in Security. Do You?
In just the past 12 months, we’ve come across 100 mobile app projects at different phases. We’ve had conversations with more than 300 professionals active in the enterprise mobility space. We asked questions and uncovered the underlying problem that caused the current miserable state of mobile application security. It sucks. The answer doesn’t lie in technology but in us.
Published on May 19, 2016

Application Security Issues for HTML5-based Mobile Apps
HTML is no longer restricted to just websites. With its latest edition, HTML5, the markup language family has now become a popular choice for mobile applications. After gathering the relevant data and researching, Gartner predicted two things; firstly, HTML5 would be the most commonly used language for mobile applications in 2015 and secondly, HTML5-based hybrid mobile app using technologies such as PhoneGap, Codova or React Native reach up to be 50% of all mobile apps 2016.
Published on March 01, 2016

Should I Use Contactless (NFC) Payment Cards?
Nowadays, almost all smartphones contain NFC (Near field communication) technology. Contactless cards use this technology when they communicate with contactless payment terminals to exchange needed information and proceed with the transaction. However, you can also do this by using your smartphone.
Published on February 16, 2016

7 Reasons Why Mobile App Security Testing Is Crucial for Enterprises
Gartner reports that by the end of 2015, 75% of mobile apps will fail basic security tests. Over 2/3 of large enterprises have been breached via mobile applications. Each security breach up costs up to $3 million/year. The estimated annual cost of mobile cyber breaches is around $50 billion, globally and increasing.
Published on January 12, 2016

The Security Vulnerability That Puts Millions of Application Backends at Risk. Yours Included
FoxGlove Security researchers published a serious vulnerability that can put millions of application backend, including mobile backend, at risk. Mobile applications use the same web-app technology for their backends, thus suffer the same vulnerability. Mobile application servers are inherently insecure because they consist of extensive stacks of software. Each piece can contain risky zero-day vulnerabilities.
Published on December 15, 2015

The Top 5 Mobile Application Security Issues You Need to Address When Developing Mobile Applications
Most recently, a lot of established companies like Snapchat, Starbucks, Target, Home Depot, etc. have been through a PR disaster. Do you know why? Simply because some attackers out there found flaws in their mobile apps and could exploit them. In fact, by the end of this year, 75% of mobile apps will fail basic security tests.
Published on November 03, 2015

Understanding the Importance and Value of Backend Security
We know that backend security is important, but what exactly constitutes the “backend?” To put it simply, the backend is the portion of a website, web application, or mobile application that exists behind the scenes. By contrast, the “frontend” of an application is everything that the user interacts with. This includes design features in the website or application, links, transactions, images, content, and others.
Published on October 06, 2015

Develop Enterprise Mobile Apps? Turn Application Security into Profit instead of Cost
More than 3/4 of enterprises have experienced mobile security breaches. These breaches cost larger enterprises approximately 3 million dollars. One reason is the build cost to properly implement mobile application security measures.
Published on September 29, 2015

iBeacons & Mobile App - The Art of Attracting More Visitors to Museum and Art Galleries
Many museums and galleries are trying to find out ways to attract more visitors. It is obvious that institutes with better and more valuable items will attract a larger audience. However, what would you suggest the smaller museums and galleries do?
Published on September 22, 2015

5 Things to Look for in an Enterprise Mobile Development Platform Solution
Today many enteprises are looking to have their own mobile applications. With the right solution, you can build a mobile app that will fit your organization’s needs like a glove and be in the driver’s seat of the development.
Published on September 01, 2015

Apple's Zero-Day Security Flaws on iOS, OS X Let Hackers Steal User Passwords
To show Apple a flaw in their environment, a team of University researchers created a malware app and uploaded it to the App Store. This malware can steal passwords from installed apps, email clients, and Google's Chrome web browser. By exploiting this flaw, hackers can bypass the App Store security check using this hacking app.
Published on July 28, 2015

Who Benefits from Business Intelligence Mobile?
Businesses are now open to the idea of adopting BI in their mobile apps to reap the benefit from accessing real-time (or near real-time) visual representation of data and make better and faster business decisions. This article focuses on the five groups of professionals who benefit from Mobile BI: marketers, salespeople, field workers, operation managers, and executives.
Published on June 30, 2015

5 Reasons Why Security Matters When You Want to Go Mobile
Security is an essential part of today’s modern world, especially with the rise of computers and mobile devices. No one questions whether data centers, servers, and computers should be secure, so why are there so many questions about mobile security? Mobile devices face the same security threats and are, sometimes more susceptible to them. It is time to make mobile security a priority.
Published on June 23, 2015

Develop Secured Mobile Applications for Everything Going In & Out
Without a doubt, one of the biggest changes we are witnessing within the IT industry is that it has officially went mainstream. Whereas in the late 1990s and early 2000s, the idea of technology being so commonly and openly usable was simply a pipe dream, today just about anyone can jump onto a mobile application and get everything they need with a simple to use interface, and quick response to their queries and questions.
Published on April 28, 2015

How to Win in the Enterprise Mobility Market
At the Dublin Web Summit, I had many interesting chats with people who developed mobile apps for enterprises and large companies. Despite their differences, most had the same mindset regarding the security of their mobile apps and the backends. 'It's as secure as the infrastructure at our customers.' Is it? Let's find out.
Published on April 21, 2015

What Can We Do as Mobile App Developers in This BYOD Era?
Today we live in a mobile environment. There are more mobile devices connected to the Internet than human beings in the world. This has given us more freedom to choose to work from anywhere, anytime and given us the flexibility to take care of other important matters.
Published on February 03, 2015