
5 Reasons Why Security Matters When You Want to Go Mobile

1. Security is a must-have.

Security is an essential part of today’s modern world, especially with the rise of computers and mobile devices. No one questions whether data centers, servers, and computers should be secure, so why are there so many questions about mobile security? Mobile devices face the same security threats and are, sometimes more susceptible to them. It is time to make mobile security a priority.

2. Hackers will be prepared, even if you are not.

According to a new report by Gartner, more than 75 percent of mobile applications will fail basic security tests in 2015. Why? Developers are often more focused on their product or simply don’t have enough experience to deal with mobile security properly. This kind of negligence makes your system a gold mine for black hats, who are always on the look out for system weaknesses to exploit. System unavailability, customers unable to make purchases, employees locked out of their workstations – these are just a few of the possible ways attacks can hurt your company. Moreover, every minute you are under attack will cost you.

3. Your data is more valuable than you think.

No matter what you perceive your data, it is still worthwhile for cyber criminals. It’s your responsibility to make sure you do your best to prevent this from happening. Read this blog post to learn about an underground market for selling and buying your data.

4. Buying back your reputation costs more than the price of security.

How long did it take you to establish a relationship with your customers? How much time and money? How much it will cost you to win back all that hard-earned trust after one security breach. According to a 2014 study conducted by the British Government, the worst breaches cost small organizations £65,000 and £115,000. In large organizations, the damage of a critical breach ran between £600,000 and £1.15 million.

5. Security is not just an IT problem – it can make or break a business.

After a security breach, who has the most to lose? You or your developers? Who pays the highest price? Who takes the biggest hit? Your infrastructure will survive, but it will cause serious damage to your business credibility, which often costs more to repair than the entire price of a security solution.

Mobility is no longer an option, and mobile security is now an essential part of a business. Mobile devices have the potential to bring you new business opportunities, revenue streams, as well as increased customer satisfaction and employee efficiency. However, this is no mean feat. A comprehensive mobile security strategy will require the tools to allow you to keep up with a threat landscape that is constantly changing. Make sure that when you go mobile, you do it securely.

If you're in the mobile enablement business, we'd like to connect with you. Send us an email at or tweet to us @TeskaLabs.

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