backend security

Understanding the Importance and Value of Backend Security

Security on the internet is more important now than ever before. When building a mobile app, constructing a website, or doing any business online, it’s important to have security protocols in place to avoid major data breaches. A report on cyber-attack statistics from June 2015 showed that most hackers (almost 60%) attack targets with the intent of accumulating data and making money. That same report showed that around 72% of known attacks occurred in what is known as the “backend.” This certainly highlights the importance of backend security.

What is the Backend?

We know that backend security is important, but what exactly constitutes the “backend?” To put it simply, the backend is the portion of a website, web application, or mobile application that exists behind the scenes. By contrast, the “frontend” of an application is everything that the user interacts with. This includes design features in the website or application, links, transactions, images, content, and others.

The backend is often used for data storage or communication. It generally consists of a server, an application, and a database. If your mobile app sells products, then your customers will be dealing with the mobile app itself (not the backend applications). Browsing through your selection of products like electronic items or clothes and making purchases all technically occur on the frontend within the mobile app. The information about the user’s order, their account, and their personal details are all stored in the backend. This is, of course, to ensure that their information is all in one convenient location.

The backend is sort of a repository of everything that makes your web presence and mobile apps run smoothly. In many cases, all the information in the backend is stored on remote or even cloud-based servers. This can lead to certain vulnerabilities, especially when the information of your customers or employees is at risk.

For larger enterprises, backend systems generally include a much broader scope of information. Because of this, the backend consists of “Enterprise Resource Planning” (ERP) software that integrates all sorts of information ranging from product planning, manufacturing, and marketing to shipping, payment information, and inventory management. Clearly, the data housed in the backend can be expansive and extremely sensitive

The Value of Backend Security

Businesses are more prone to cyber-attacks than ever before. You need to look no further than recent large scale attacks like the one on dating website, Ashley Madison, to discover why backend security is so important. That particular attack made the account information of around 37 million users available to the hackers and to the general public. Other entities have also been the victims of cyber-attacks including password manager, LastPass, and even the online auction site, eBay.

These aren’t isolated incidents either. An estimated 556 million people become victims of cybercrime of some sort every year. While not all 556 million are victims of backend vulnerabilities, this really underscores the need for better security.

Keeping data thieves away from your servers and databases is, perhaps, the most important step you can take toward securing the privacy of your employees, your customers, and your sensitive corporate information. Without the proper backend infrastructure and security, you could be at immediate risk of incurring a major cyber-attack.

Many businesses are beginning to use intra-company apps to better manage workflow. On top of that, employees are connecting to office networks from a variety of locations on a variety of different devices. All of the inputted information makes its way to backend servers and databases, meaning that a single cyber-attack could compromise innumerable aspects of your business.

How to Boost Your Security

There is no question that backend security is vital to the success and health of any enterprise. Security software that integrates within your current SAP or ERP system is the best way to ensure both continued functionality and increased security. Whether your mobile app is for clientele or your employee base (or both), it’s important to keep backend cyber-attacks at bay.

For more on how TeskaLabs’ solution offers active protection to secure your mobile app and its backend, get in touch with our team to get a FREE demo. Alternatively, follow us on Twitter @TeskaLabs.

Photo credits: Depositphotos

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