TeskaLabs delivers cybersecurity for C-Roads pilot in Slovenia
We are proud to announce that in cooperation with DARS d.d., Motorway Company in the Republic of Slovenia, TeskaLabs recently launched a cybersecurity solution – known as PKI – as a service for C-Roads pilot in Slovenia. This service is operated from a data centre in Prague and includes Root Certificate Authority, Enrolment Authority and Authorization Authority. These are mandatory central security components for every cooperative intelligent transport system (C-ITS).
The Slovenian Pilot is taking place at the TEN-T core network and covers 100km in length. It is located on the A1 highway (section Ljubljana – Koper), the A3 (section Divača - Sežana) and the H4 (section Razdrto – Vipava). C-Roads Slovenia is testing Day 1.0 services (e.g., "traffic jam ahead warning "), hazardous location notification, road works warning, and more.
More information can be found here: https://www.c-roads.eu/pilots/core-members/slovenia/Partner/project/show/c-roads-slovenia.html.
The C-ROADS is a joint initiative of the European Member States and road operators. It is a technological platform that allows road vehicles to communicate with other vehicles, traffic signals, and roadside infrastructure, as well as with other road users. The systems are also known as vehicle-to-vehicle communications (V2V), car-to-car communications (C2C), or vehicle-to-infrastructure communications (V2X). These systems have a strong potential to improve road safety and the efficiency of road traffic. The C-ROADS platform is an implementation of the worldwide standard called Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS).
In 2018 TeskaLabs won the public tender for the delivery of the cybersecurity component for the C-Roads Czech Republic through its technology SeaCat. As a result of that, SeaCat PKI has been deployed as a central public key infrastructure in the Czech Republic.
TeskaLabs SeaCat PKI is compliant with ETSI TS 103 097 v1.3.1, ETSI TS 102 941 v1.3.1, IEEE 1609.2-2016, EU C-ITS Certificate Policy, EU C-ITS Security Policy—simply the whole standardization and legislative framework for C-ITS within European Union. SeaCat PKI has been certified for participation in the seventh ETSI ITS CMS Plugtest, 4-8 November 2019, and the first ETSI C-V2X Plugtest, 2-6 December 2019, and also and Cellular Venue-to-Anything Communication (C-V2X) PlugTest, 2-6 December 2019 in Malaga, Spain. SeaCat PKI now represents a modern, flexible, easy-to-deploy and easy-to-use C-ITS PKI for any C-ITS and C-V2X deployment of any scale.
For more information about C-V2X and C-ITS Security, please visit: https://teskalabs.com/solutions/seacat-cits-security
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