C-ITS ITS-S Security microservice

C-ITS ITS-S Security microservice

As part of TeskaLabs's research activities, we are working toward a more flexible, contemporaneous method to deploy the software security component (specifically C-ITS Security) into the vehicle software ecosystem (ITS-S). The current best practice in the industry is that the cybersecurity component is integrated into the vehicle application software as a library. However, this approach brings with it many limitations, such as narrow software compatibility. The deployment is highly inflexible and so it is often omitted due to its complexity.

Project Meili was part of the UK Government and its partners Zenzic and Innovate UK 1.2 million British pounds programme to develop a cohesive understanding of the challenges and potential solutions to addressing digital resilience and cyber security within Connected and Automated Mobility.

The outcome of our research strongly suggests that by using Linux container technology, the C-ITS ITS-S Security component can be distributed as a stand-alone microservice, which simplifies the integration significantly. Microservices are a software development technique that arranges an application as a collection of loosely coupled components. In the microservices architecture, components are fine-grained, and the protocols are lightweight. The C-ITS ITS-S Security microservice offers a simple-to-use API for car application equipment. It is a unique approach that brings the latest software procedures to the automotive software and security environment.

We plan to offer the C-ITS ITS-S Security microservice to automotive and smart infrastructure players as a plug-and-play security technology that is out-of-the-box compliant with C-ITS Security standards.

C-ITS ITS-S Security microservice was developed and tested on IDAPT devices from AppPlus + IDIADA and with Crypta Labs HSM chip Cicada.

Are you interested in security for connected vehicles? Visit this page

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